Baby Pose

Baby Pose (Ananda Balasana) – Anand Balasan

People performing Ananda Balasana resemble how children play with their feet.

When the toddler plays with both feet raised, he appears to be having a good time. As a result, this asana is also known as the Happy baby pose. 

Ananda Balasana comprises two terms, the first of which means “blissful” and the second of which means “baby.”

What is the baby pose good for?
Ananda Balasana is one of the most accessible yoga postures to perform. Ananda Balasana is an excellent grounding pose as well as a modern practice. It is typically performed after a yoga asana. 

It calms the lower back, strengthens the legs, lengthens and realigns the spine, and opens the hips when done correctly. Ananda Balasana is a beginner’s pose that people of all ages can perform. Ananda Balasana is frequently seen in Kids’ yoga sequences.

  • Level of difficulty – Beginner Pose
  • Duration – 10 to 20 breaths

How to do it:

  • Lie on your back with your knees folded. Bring your knees to your belly.
  • Take a deep breath and hold your two feet from the outside with your two hands. If this is tough for you, wrap a strap around your feet.
  • Now, try to straighten your legs by slowly pushing your feet against your hands. Your arms should be able to feel the strain. 
  • You can exhale slowly and forcefully during this procedure. –The lower leg should be parallel to the thighs. If you’re using a strap, you can gain the extra length to straighten your legs even further.
  • Bring your thighs together and try to have your tailbone touch the floor. Also, slightly stretch and drop your neck towards the floor, as if you were trying to make your entire spine lie in a straight line. If you’re having trouble pulling your thighs together, try it with your legs slightly apart at first.
  • Continue to hold this position for as long as you feel comfortable. Typically, a half-minute to a minute is sufficient.
  • Bend your knees and lower your legs to exit the pose, relieving the tension in your arms. —–Remove the hands from the feet and place them on the sides of the bed. Lower your legs to the floor and relax in Shavasana.


If you can’t easily support your feet with your hands, consider looping a yoga strap around the middle arch of each foot.


  • What many people do is that they cross their feet as opposed to simply placing them alongside each other. It is important not to cross your ankles. Instead, put one foot alongside the other.
  • If you have a bad back, place small support under your pelvis so that you have a little time to straighten your legs gradually.
  • You may also use an exercise ball to support this pose if you need more strength and flexibility in the back.


  • If you are pregnant or menstruating, you should avoid doing the Happy Baby exercise.
  • People with high blood pressure should avoid this asana as well.
  • This asana should be avoided if you have a knee injury or any other type of injury.
  • If you are suffering from lower back disease, you should be careful while performing the exercise.


What is baby pose called?
  • The happy baby pose benefits the lower back by lengthening and realigning the spine.
  • This Pose opens the shoulders, neck, and chest.
  • Regular practice of the happy baby pose also aids in stimulating the digestive system.
  • This pose improves body posture and hip flexibility and is a fantastic hip opener. This asana stretches the muscles in your hips.
  • Calms the brain and aids in relieving stress and weariness in both the body and the mind. In addition, it stimulates positive nervous energy.
  • This Pose stretches the hips, triceps, biceps, hamstrings, calves, chest, abdominals, and groin area.
  • The Happy Baby Pose is more effective at lowering the pulse rate.
  • It aids in the stimulation of the digestive system. As a result, it prevents constipation, bloating, and other digestive issues.
  • This asana also aids in sacral relaxation.
  • Regular practise of this asana aids in the reduction of heart rate.
  • Every day, practice a Happy baby stance to increase blood flow throughout the body.


The Happy Baby Pose, besides being a great yoga posture and a great way to start your yoga practice, is also a fantastic way to relax your mind, body, and soul.

So, if you're looking to practice a beginner's yoga asana that's fun yet full of benefits, then you should consider practising this yoga posture.

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