Bikram yoga

Bikram Yoga- How Many Calories Can It Help You To Burn?

Many people who do this type of yoga claim it burns more calories than running a marathon.

Is this true? Does doing Bikram yoga burn more calories than running a marathon?

Let’s examine the evidence and find out.

How Many Calories Burned in Bikram Yoga?

The number of calories you burn when practicing different 26 Bikram asanas sequences is determined by many factors including:

How many calories do you actually burn in Bikram yoga?
  • weight, 
  • fitness level, and 
  • the length and intensity of your session. 

The traditional Bikram session lasts 90 minutes. 

According to, a 150-pound person who does 90 minutes of Bikram yoga burns 716 calories. Likewise, a person who weighs 185 pounds burns 882 calories, while a person who weighs 135 pounds burns 644. 

Bikram yoga calories calculator

The Bikram yoga calories calculator can help you estimate how many calories you might burn in a 90-minute, 60 minutes, or 120-minute session. 

First, the calculator asks you for your weight, sex, age, and typical activity level. 

Then, based on this information, it calculates the average number of calories burned in a 90-minute Bikram session. 

To get an accurate reading, enter your exact data into the fields provided.

Bikram Yoga’s MET value (Metabolic Equivalent of Task) is used in this computation which is 5. The MET value is multiplied by the person’s body weight in kilograms. 

The duration in minutes is then multiplied by 0.0175.

A person weighs: 180 lbs

MET value of Bikram Yoga: 5

Time: 30 minutes

The calorie calculation for 30 minutes is:

(180/2.20462) * 5 * 0.0175 * 30 minutes = 214

Thirty minutes of Bikram Yoga burns 214 kcal.

How many calories does 1 hour of Bikram yoga burn?

According to, a 150-pound person who does 1 hour of Bikram yoga burns 764 calories. 

Likewise, a person who weighs 185 pounds burns 954 calories, while a person who weighs 135 pounds burns 696.

How many calories can you burn in an hour and a half of Bikram yoga?

Does Bikram yoga help weight loss?

The answer is 772. Based on the calculator, a 150-pound person who does an hour and a half of Bikram yoga burns 772 calories.

A person who weighs 185 pounds burns 1026 calories, while a person who weighs 135 pounds burns 723.


Does Bikram yoga burn more calories than running a marathon? It depends on the individual. If you weigh 185 pounds or more, then it burns more calories than running a marathon. 

t also depends on your fitness level and how long you do each exercise. An experienced practitioner who is fit can burn many more calories per hour than a beginner!

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