Root Chakra Yoga Poses

Root Chakra Yoga Poses to Heal and Restore You

Are you in quest of stability, security, tranquillity, and happiness? Find it hard to manage your day-to-day needs and in a constant struggle of survival! Your root chakra has probably been lacking any energy. Or it might be that you have mistakenly blocked it off. 

Yoga, when it comes to the root chakra, may be your best bet. It brings energy, harmony, and stability. Moreover, you can do it at your own pace, without the presence of anyone else (except you, maybe).

Yoga helps you locate yourself within. It's the original form of finding yourself. Yoga is not about finding that perfect pose that makes your muscles and body perfect and flexible. 

Instead, it’s about finding your very own self – in a form that becomes whole once you’ve done the pose perfectly enough to receive its benefits. It allows you to reach out to find your inner strength consciously and then come back to it when needed.

There are many Yoga poses to stimulate your root chakra. In this article, I will help you with the use of Yoga poses to stimulate your root chakra and balance your energy. 

Lets begin with understanding root Chakra a little bit.

What is Root Chakra?

Root chakra or the Mooladhara is the first chakra associated with a person’s basic instincts. It is the base of our whole chakra system.

It is the most instinctual of all chakras, the very basis of our survival centre. The “fight-or-flight” response is initiated here.

 People suffering from a poorly balanced root chakra typically have difficulty dealing with their day-to-day needs and are constantly struggling for survival. They find it hard to face their basic needs and desires. 

A root chakra lacking in energy may also result from a physical, mental, or energetic blockage. It can also be caused by emotional imbalances, past traumas, or negative experiences that cause one to believe they cannot survive on their own.

Where is Root Chakra Located?

The root chakra is located near the tailbone at the base of the spine in our pelvis. It is important to note that the bottom of the spine is located where our tailbone or coccyx is. 

The roots are perceived to extend from here into the earth, and this chakra has a lot of power.

Effects of Balanced Root Chakra

  • Having a balanced root chakra can help you feel grounded and secure, and you can respond appropriately to situations in your day-to-day life. 
  • You can make firm decisions without being swayed by your emotions. 
  • Your creativity will enhance, and your energy level increases. 
  • You will feel more confident, energetic, and alive. 
  • Your logical thinking and powerful decision-making abilities will help you excel in your career and personal life. 
  • You’ll be able to see the truth, and you’ll refuse to compromise your principles.

Effects of Unbalanced Root Chakra

  • If you cannot use your logical thinking and decision-making, then there is a possibility that you may succumb to others’ decisions. 
  • You may not have a strong sense of awareness and feeling of security. 
  • Feeling of helplessness or insecurity may arise in your life. 
  • Your creativity and imagination will be hindered. 
  • You may not be able to express your feelings or how you feel towards certain situations. 
  • You might have a problem finding out what’s wrong with you and what is causing the pain. 

Colour of root chakra:

The colour associated with the root chakra is red.

Yoga Poses For Root Chakra:

Here are some Yoga poses that can stimulate the root chakra and help you increase energy levels:

Easy pose (Sukhasana)

Easy pose is a great pose for beginners as it can be done quickly even by people suffering from any medical problems in their lower back area.

What is Sukhasana and its benefits?
In addition, the Easy pose or Sukhasana releases stress and anxiety and helps in balancing the Root Chakra.

Child’s pose (Balasana)

The Child’s Pose or Balasana is the resting pose that is very calming and soothing for the body, mind, and emotions. It helps to release any stress, anxiety, and depression.

Garland Pose (Malasana)

Garland Pose or Malasana is a very effective pose that improves blood circulation and detoxifies the body.

What is Malasana good for?
This posture is perfect for grounding and centring. In addition, it helps relax the mind while strengthening your back, ankles, and hips.

Bridge pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)

Bridge pose or Setu Bandha Sarvangasana helps to stimulate the root chakra. It helps stimulate the nerves helping to heal the root chakra, and is excellent at easing and releasing tension from the body.

Standing Forward Fold(Uttanasana)

The Uttanasana is known as standing forward bend or half-moon pose. An excellent pose to relieve a busy mind, Uttanasana benefits us in finding balance and relaxation.

What are the benefits of Uttanasana?
Synchronously, it gently extends the hamstrings while at the same time relaxing tension through the entire back.

Chair Pose (Utkatasana)

The Chair Pose is an excellent pose for stimulating the root chakra. It has been called tree pose by Eastern yogis and placed in their yoga regimen.

This pose gives us an excellent stretch and flexibility of the lower back, hip sockets, thighs, and ankles. In addition, it helps to improve blood circulation to all parts of the body.

Angled-Leg Stretch (Anjaneyasana)

This position places pressure on the back and thigh muscles. These muscles are associated with the fight-or-flight mechanism, and they’re deeply connected to your first chakra energy centre.

What are the benefits of Anjaneyasana?
We allow our muscles to transform any residual fight or flight energy into courageous yet calm inner strength for five breaths.

Bridge Pose Variation (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana Variation)

This position offers stability by letting your feet have a firm connection with the ground. The spine releases excess root chakra energy and stimulates the throat chakra, opening the heart and solar plexus chakras and balancing the sacral chakra.

Warrior II (Virabhadrasana)

In this pose, you utilize the body’s natural energy flow to stimulate your inner reserves and help you dig deeper into your inner reserves of strength and determination.

What are the benefits of Virabhadrasana 2?

Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)

Cobra Pose or Bhujangasana helps stimulate the nervous system, thereby stimulating the root chakra.

It helps stimulate the nerves helping to heal the root chakra, and is excellent at easing and releasing tension from the body.

Sun Salutations or Surya Namaskara 

The third to fifth sun salutation will help you tap into a sense of inner strength and connection with the earth.

What are the 12 poses of surya namaskar?
You will feel a slow, steady heat building from within and a sense of power and focus as you connect with each inhale and exhale. 

As you practice your moving meditation, you’ll notice that your mind eventually calms down and surrenders to the present moment. Leave your eyes closed if you feel at ease doing so.

Wide-legged Forward Fold 

This asana stretches the muscles of your groin and lowers back to release energy from your root chakra. It is an excellent pose for releasing excess energy and tension from your body.

Final Thoughts

The root chakra is the most powerful of all the chakras and is associated with asserting your authority. It makes us feel safe, secure, and secure in our power. When we are filled with spiritual energy from this chakra, our life becomes more meaningful and purposeful. 

Therefore, it is essential to heal this chakra and keep it balanced. With a balanced root chakra, you will feel empowered and make decisions that will help you attract success into your life. In addition, you'll have a strong sense of identity and a feeling of security.

Yoga poses are very effective in healing the Root Chakra and keeping it balanced. If you practice these Yoga poses regularly, then your root chakra will eventually be stabilized and balanced.

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