Yoga Poses For Butt

The 6 Most Common Yoga Poses For Butt

The new black is a fantastic booty! The buttocks are the one body region that we all desire to raise, shape, tighten, and tone these days.

Our gluteals and hamstrings, by far the biggest muscle group in our body, are essential for pelvic stabilization and hip strength and mobility. 

When properly exercised, these powerful back body muscles assist in keeping stress out of our low back and joints by increasing our functional mobility and balancing our body weight. 

The gluteus maximus (which makes up the muscular mass of our seat and has the potential to be the most powerful muscle in the human body), the gluteus medius and minimus are the three primary gluteal muscles.

These three muscles, when adequately toned, may increase hip mobility, rotation, and extension while also avoiding imbalances that might otherwise put pressure on our joints.

Yoga is an excellent method to tone and shape all of your gluteal muscles without weights, machines, or equipment. 

In addition, yoga may be an excellent technique to shape your booty with a low risk of injury because it employs our body weight to create muscle. 

Put on your yoga pants, take a look at these yoga asanas and make your booty work!

1. Wheel Pose- Urdhva Dhanurasana

This pose is known as “the king of all hip openers” because it stretches and stimulates the spine, hips, thighs, groins, and abdominals. It also helps to activate the arms by stretching them up toward the ears and shoulders.

What is wheel pose good for?
Begin by lying on your back.  Place your palms down and fingertips pointing towards you on the mat above your head. Begin by raising your hips and laying the crown of your head softly on the mat. 

Straighten your arms and lift your head off the ground once you’re steady and feeling powerful. As you get closer to your knees, your tailbone should extend. Try to maintain your feet parallel by pressing your shin bones back. Raise yourself as much as you can! 

2. Locust Pose– Salabhasana

This position is excellent for strengthening the complete back body from head to toe. 

In a prone posture, lie down on your stomach with your arms by your sides. To avoid compression in the lumbar area, start by extending the tailbone toward your heels. 

Next, lift your shoulders, arms, and torso off the yoga mat using your middle and upper back muscles, maintaining the back of your neck aligned with the rest of your spine. 

Lift the legs off the floor while maintaining them reasonably straight, activating the gluteals and hamstrings. Instead of utilizing the lower back muscles to elevate the legs, concentrate on using the base of the buttocks (gluteus maximus).

Hold for five breaths, actively stretching the legs and feeling the strength in your seat and hamstrings. Then, rep three times more, increasing the length and height of each round.

3. Downward Dog Leg Lifts

Leg lifts in the Downward Dog position are a great technique to build and work the buttocks. In addition, leg lifts in Downward Dog are a great way to start your yoga practice with a dynamic and efficient warm-up. 

What is Downward Dog with one leg up called?
Bring one leg up towards the sky while in a downward dog without breaking the straight-line alignment along your back and arms. 

You can experiment with this position by bending the air-knee and opening out the hips. Then, for a fantastic core workout, swing the leg into plank to meet your chest!

4. Warrior III – Virabhadrasana III

This classic balancing posture is great for seat work because it engages both the standing leg’s outer hip muscles (gluteus medius and minimus) as well as the lifting leg’s powerful gluteal and hamstring muscles. 

Hinge forward and lay your weight on your front foot as you lift your rear leg off the mat while maintaining your hips square. You want your neck, heart, and back leg to be as parallel to the ground as possible.

Your hands reach two blocks just beneath your shoulders. It will help you stabilize, and as your strength and balance improve, you may start bringing your hands to your heart or widening them like aeroplane arms. Take 5–10 deep breaths.

5. Chair Pose – Utkatasana

We’re all familiar with the chair posture. It burns in a good way. Squats aren’t everyone’s favourite exercise, but they’re effective. 

What are the benefits of Utkatasana?
Begin by standing in a mountain stance. Inhale and raise your arms while bending your knees, lowering your hips, and lowering your buttox to the floor. Knees, feet, and toes are all parallel and as near as possible to each other. 

The buttocks, back, and arms are all in a single continuous line. Maintain a comfortable posture and rotate the outside edge of your arms inward to open up your back. 

Maintain your weight in your heels and sink without losing sight of your toes in front of you.

6. Extended Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose

This big toe pose is a fantastic technique to tone the gluteal muscles. 

It is best practised in a supported manner by sitting on your heels and leaning against a wall with your back straight.

Take a deep breath in through your standing leg and foot, expanding your toes. Find a quiet spot in front of you to concentrate on. Before beginning to move, visualize the ultimate posture. Feel the lightning of the soon-to-be-lifted side.

Lift knee to the chest at the start of each inhalation. Wrap the thumb and forefinger around the big toe (fingers between toes, thumb around inside). 

Extend raised leg forward in the middle of the inhalation, maintaining foot and toes contracted. Avoid rounding the back of your neck.

7. Side Plank Pose- Vasisthasana

Vasisthasana, or side plank pose, is an excellent all-over body workout that may help you build and maintain a firm buttock. Drooping hips and butts are a typical misalignment that puts extra strain on the wrists. 

What are the benefits of Vasisthasana?
In addition, the side body lowers to the ground and may move backwards out of alignment when the gluteus muscles are not engaged.

Lifting the hips too high, on the other hand, is terrific for the core, but it prevents the glutes from ultimately activating and working for the body. Finally, raising the leg in line with the torso increases the difficulty of this Side plank posture.

8. Upward Facing Dog – Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

Upward Facing Dog is one of the best hip opening yoga poses that is great for the butt. We see an upward dog in Vinyasa flow courses all the time, but did you know it’s one of the most toning and firming postures in a basic sun salutation? 

What are the benefits of Urdhva Mukha Svanasana?
Begin by laying on your back with your legs hip-width apart and your toes flat on the mat. The palms of the hands should be flat on the floor, precisely beneath the shoulders and elbows. 

Except for the tips of your feet and palms, press onto all ten toes and flat hands to raise everything off the floor. Roll your shoulders back, and your eyes should be focused directly in front of you.


There you have it; eight great yoga poses for the butt! Whether you’re a seasoned yogi or new to the yoga lifestyle, these postures can help you build the perfect buttock!

Although this article aims not to go against the traditional teachings of yoga, it is essential to point out that practising any exercise can be physically and mentally demanding for many. 

Therefore, before trying any of these poses, make sure you consult with your doctor and a yoga teacher who can ensure you are using the proper technique.

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