Anulom Vilom Pranayama

Have You Heard About Anulom Vilom Pranayama?

Anulom Vilom Pranayama is an exercise for the respiratory system.

It is performed by breathing out through the mouth and inhaling through the nostrils. Anulom Vilom is different from alternate nostril breathing. 

This pranayama increases the strength and stamina of the lungs. It is effortless yet effective pranayama to improve your lung capacity and increase your energy levels.

In this article, we’ll discuss what we mean by Anulom Vilom Pranayama.

We'll start by discussing the benefits of pranayama, then move on to talking about the precautions and the steps of Anulom Vilom Pranayama.

Let’s get started!

What is anulom vilom pranayama?

Anulom Vilom Pranayama is one of numerous pranayama or breathing exercises utilized in Hatha yoga practice. 

What are the benefits of doing Anulom Vilom?
To begin, you must comprehend the meanings of Anuloma and Viloma. 

The first word, Anu, loosely translates as with, while the second word, Loma, denotes hair, meaning “with the grain” or “natural.” In addition, Viloma means “against the grain.” Viloma’s polar opposite is anuloma. 

Therefore, it is highly beneficial in respiratory illnesses such as Asthma.

The most excellent technique to balance the Tri dosas in our body is to practice Anulom Vilom Pranayama.

When Tri dosas are not in a balanced posture, our bodies become unwell. Vata, Pitta, and Kapha are known as Tri dosas. 

Tri means “three,” and dosas means “impurities.” All of these are present in every person’s body. If one of them is out of balance, we will suffer from various diseases. All diseases are caused by one or more of these three factors. 

As a result, it is critical to balance these three dosas. If you genuinely wish to balance these three dosas, practice Anulom Vilom pranayama daily. It is the simplest and most effective method!

How does it work?

Anulom Vilom genuinely impacts the mind and body through the nadis system (energy channels) that exists within us.

The three Nadis, Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna, are the most essential in Pranamayakosha (vital air sheath) because they are intimately associated with the left and right hemispheres of the brain.

Ida Nadi/Left Nostril

Ida Nadi is located on the left side of the spine (also known as the central energy channel – Sushumna). Therefore, it is associated with the left side of the body and the right side of the brain.

When we breathe in via the left nostril in Anulom Vilom pranayama, we open the Ida Nadi, which activates the left side of the body even more (& right hemisphere of the brain).

Anulom Vilom’s Ida Nadi Features:

  • The sensation of lightness (cool energy) in one’s body
  • The digestive system is at its peak performance.
  • Remove cold and flu symptoms

Pingala Nadi/Right Nostril

The Pingala Nadi chakra is located on the right side of the spine. It is associated with the right side of the body and the left side of the brain.

When conducting Anulom Vilom pranayama, breathing from the right nostril opens the Pingala Nadi, which activates the right side of the body (& left hemisphere of the brain).

Anulom Vilom’s Pingala Nadi Features:

  • You will no longer have a hot temper.
  • Physically, it resolves dry skin problems.
  • Your fluttering mind would be stable enough to focus.

Sushumna Nadi – The Center of Energy

Sushumna Nadi is located in the centre of the spine and goes along it. It connects the base chakra (Mooldhara) to the crown chakra (Crown Chakra) (Sahasrara). During meditation, this Nadi is activated. 

Therefore, when conducting meditation, a blockage in this Nadi has adverse outcomes.

Anulom Vilom’s Sushumna Nadi Features:

Anulom Vilom pranayama tries to allow prana to flow through Sushumna Nadi once our breath has been balanced in Ida and Pingala Nadis.

What happens when you do Anulom Vilom daily?
When prana begins to flow through the core channel, you will experience a spiritual awakening.

How to do it

  • Sit in any meditative pose, such as Sukhasana or Padmasana.
  • The spine should be straight.
  • Block the right nostril with your right thumb. Then, inhale for 2 seconds through the left nostril. 
Block both nostrils and hold your breath for four seconds.
  • Keep the left nostril closed while opening the right. Exhale for 2 seconds through the right nostril. Inhale for 2 seconds through the right nostril. 

Block both nostrils and hold your breath for four seconds. Keep the right nostril closed while opening the left. 

Exhale for two seconds through your left nostril. Close both nostrils. For 2 seconds, hold your breath in suspension. It concludes a single round.
  • Restart the cycle, this time breathing through the right nostril. Repeat for a total of 10 rounds. With repeated practice, try to raise the inhalation and exhalation counts. 

Maintain an equal count ratio for inhalation, expiration, and suspension of the breath while holding the breath for twice as long.

Begin Anulom Vilom Pranayama with 12 rounds (4 to 5 minutes at first) and gradually build to 20 minutes. Yogis believe that anulom vilom practice is most useful in the morning.

In pranayama, the breathing ratio simply refers to the ratio of inhalation to exhalation.

Begin with a 1:1 ration in Anulom Vilom pranayama. It means that if you inhale for 4 seconds via one nostril, you must exhale for 4 seconds through the opposite nose. 

As you continue, you can increase the ratio to 1:2 and 1:4.


  • For the best benefit, do this pranayama twice a day (morning and evening).
  • The inhalation time can be set to start at 2 seconds and can be raised to 20 seconds.
  • When you have achieved a particular degree of expertise, you can incorporate breath retention into your practice.
  • Do not count your rounds when performing this pranayama. Your mind will not be at ease when you keep track of how many rounds you’ve finished. 
Instead, during pranayama, your attention should be completely focused on your breathing. You can set time alarms instead of counts.


The most significant benefit of practising anulom vilom pranayama is balancing the three doshas — Vata, pitta, and Kapha — in our bodies. Without balanced doshas, we can’t enjoy a healthy and comfortable life.

How do you do Anuloma Viloma pranayama?
  • Vilom Anulom Pranayama cleanses all energy channels and allows prana to circulate freely throughout the body. As a result, the Nadis, or Pranic energy channels, have been cleansed.
  • Depending on the practitioner’s body type, it can help them lose weight.
  • Anulom vilom reduces nadi obstruction, which contributes to migraine symptoms.
  • This pranayama, when practised regularly, enhances blood flow in the blood vessels of the eyes. Thus, it avoids an eye stroke caused by inadequate blood circulation.
  • Anulom Vilom aids in treating Vata Dosha-related ailments such as rheumatism, gout, colds, and reproductive organ issues. So Anulom Vilom is beneficial to individuals who have Vata Dosha as their prevalent Dosha.
  • The cleansing of the energy channels guarantees that all organs receive an adequate quantity of oxygen. As a result, it improves the body’s overall health.
In the case of diabetes, performing anulom vilom pranayama daily can help improve a person's blood glucose level.
  • When the Ida and Pingala Nadis are balanced, the central channel known as Sushumna Nadi 2 is activated.
  • Anulom Vilom also aids in the body’s cleansing. In addition, it counteracts the effects of Asthma, High Blood Pressure, and Stress.
  • Anulom Vilom Pranayama’s practice leads to the next step of yoga, Pratyahara, or retreat of the senses.


  • If you are very weak or have anaemia (a deficiency of red blood cells), you should do this pranayama slowly. For only 2 minutes.
  • This pranayama should be avoided by anyone who has recently had stomach, heart, or brain surgery.
  • Pregnant women should perform this pranayama slowly and under the supervision of a skilled yoga practitioner.
  • Those with cardiac problems should avoid attempting to hold their breath.
  • Also, if you have high blood pressure, avoid holding your breath.


Anulom Vilom Pranayama is a very effective and beneficial pranayama for those who want to balance their Ida and Pingala Nadis.

If you are experiencing migraines or suffer from other ailments, this pranayama will help you immensely. 

However, you should practise Anulom Vilom Pranayama under the supervision of a yoga instructor. 

If you want to improve your overall health and well-being, Anulom Vilom Pranayama is the ultimate pranayama!


How long should I keep Anulom Vilom going?

You should perform Anulom Vilom should for 5-10 minutes. You can extend this period to 20-30 minutes if you take several breaks.

Is it necessary to hold my breath after inhaling or exhaling in Anulom vilom?

You don’t need to hold your breath if you’re a beginner. Just take a deep intake and exhale. You can hold it shortly after inhalation for intermediate or advanced practitioners. [inhalation:hold:exhalation] will be a 1:1:1 ratio.

Should I start with kapalbhati or anulom vilom?

Anulom vilom is a balancing and tranquil breathing method, whereas kapalbhati is a powerful breathing technique.

As a result, after completing the kapalbhati session, you should perform anulom vilom.

What should we do if we feel the urge to vomit?

The best thing to do is to sit in a calm posture, close your eyes, keep the tongue on top of the roof of your mouth, and slowly inhale through your nose. 

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