Yoga For Chest Pain

Get Relief From Chest Pain With This Yoga Poses

Do you often feel tightness in the area around your chest? Do you have an indigestion issue or heartburn? If that happens, it might be a sign that your chest muscles are stressed and not functioning optimally. 

There are many different reasons for chest pain, but the problem is how tightly our pectoral muscles hold onto the rib cage in most cases. 

When they're too tight, it can cause pressure in the chest and give you a sense of discomfort. There might also be an obstruction of your respiratory tract that restricts breathing.

Practising yoga regularly can help you alleviate the pain and promote cardiac fitness. It’s based on an exercise sequence that aims to reduce stress and strain on the body. 

In this article, I'll take you through a few simple yoga poses that will relieve the tension in your chest and help you start breathing freely again.

Before we dive into this, first, let’s find out the cause of chest pain.

What Causes Chest Pain?

Chest pressure is caused as a consequence of various reasons. You can feel it anywhere from your head to your chest. 

Chest tightness is often attributed to poor posture, but it could also signify something more serious, like a panic attack or heart attack.

If your chest hurts or aches, it might not necessarily be cardiovascular-related. Or it could be when the heart is not getting enough oxygen, it can lead to chest pain. This type of pain is called angina.

Some chest pains can happen due to heart attack, myocarditis, pericarditis, cardiomyopathy, and aortic dissection.

Chest pain also occurs due to stomach ailments. If you have a problem with swallowing, gallstones, inflammation of the gallbladder or pancreas, you will feel pain in the chest.

Even if you have pneumonia or a blood clot, this can lead to chest pain.

It may also occur when you suffer from a fracture that causes pressure on the nerves. Damaged ribs and sore muscles are also responsible for chest pain.

Yoga For The Chest

If you feel sudden pain in your chest, you should see a physician. If that is not the case, then try to relax by practising yoga.

In yoga, chest tightness is reduced by expanding, opening, and stretching the chest. 

Yoga is suitable for your stretchy chest muscles that helps with pain relief and range of motion. Yoga is a great way to alleviate anxiety, stress, and tension. Unfortunately, these things can also cause chest pain.

Practice the exercises mentioned below to know what I am referring to.

Poses In Yoga For Chest Pain Relief

Matsyasana (Fish Pose)

Matsyasana is named for the Matsya, Vishnu’s avatar or incarnations, a beginner-level Hatha yoga asana.

What are the benefits of fish pose?
To get the maximum benefit of it, do it in the morning before breakfast. Hold each pose for at least 30 seconds to feel the effects.

Matsyasana yoga pose stretches your rib muscles along with the front and back of your neck, which improves your posture. In addition, it is tiring to have rounded shoulders, and this pose relieves irritation.

Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

Bhujangasana is an asana that shares the morphology of a cobra’s hood. It is a backbend.

The asana is a beginner-level Ashtanga yoga pose that you should practice with an empty stomach in the morning. Hold the pose for 15-30 seconds.
What is Cobra Pose good for?

This pose stretches the muscles of your chest and shoulders. It extends the ligaments and muscles of the chest and shoulders that adds flexibility, and encourages mood. In addition, the pose improves blood and oxygen circulation.

Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)

Dhanurasana is a yoga pose that looks like a bow. It is a backbend that opens the chest and stretches the torso. 

It is a beginner-level Ashtanga yoga pose, so practice it in the morning if you have time on an empty stomach. 

Once you learn this pose, you will be able to add others to your routine. Dhanurasana makes your spine stretchable and flexible.

Dhanurasana angles your body so that it relieves chest pressure. It also helps to relieve stress and anxiety. 

It is a good yoga pose to ease tension in the chest. Try practising this pose for some time, or even at least two days in a row, for relief from chest pain.

Bitilasana (Cow Pose)

Bitilasana or Cow Posture is a positioning that resembles the stance of a cow. The Sanskrit word “Bitola” is the word for cow. 

Bitilasana is a beginner level of vinyasa yoga. Eat a light meal beforehand and hold your pose for 10 to 15 seconds in the morning or nighttime.

Bitilasana strengthens and expands the vertebral and spinal discs by lengthening the back. A pose that calms the mind and relieves stress. It also increases blood circulation.

Ustrasana(Camel Pose)

Ustrasana is a forward bending asana that improves overall flexibility. It stretches the entire body, including back muscles and chest muscles. 

Why is Ustrasana called Camel pose?
It is a beginner-level asana, so practice it in the morning before breakfast.

This asana lengthens and strengthens your shoulders and back and opens up your chest, which improves respiration. The pose also tones your neck and stretches your throat. 

Virasana (Hero Pose) 

Virasana is very effective for relieving chest pain that relaxes the muscles of your legs, back, and pelvis. In addition, it improves digestion and helps you breathe easily. 

People of all ages, including seniors, can practice this. Virasana also helps with constipation and acidity. Practice Virasana in the morning or at night before bed.

Virasana is a vinyasa yoga posture that opens the whole rib cage and releases chest pressure. Virasana also strengthens your back. It also helps to calm the mind and relieve stress.

Supta Virasana (Reclining Hero Pose)

Supta Virasana is a modified version of Virasana. It is a yoga pose that helps to relieve stress, reduce anxiety, and calm the mind. It also helps to relieve pain in your chest. 

The exercise requires only everyday clothing so that it can be performed anywhere you are most comfortable.

Halasana (Plow Pose)

Halasana is an inverted yoga pose that helps you relax the entire body. It relieves chest pressure, which can help with other medical conditions. 

What is the posture of Halasana?
It also helps to reduce anxiety, stress, and other medical conditions caused by stress that affect your chest muscles.

Halasana is an intermediate-level Ashtanga yoga pose that requires complete flexibility in your body. For example, your spine has to be very flexible for you to enter this pose correctly.

Natrajasana (Dancer Pose)

Natrajasana is a yoga pose that relieves stress and anxiety. It is a good pose for people who have heart conditions or experience chest pain due to stress. 

Natrajasana helps to open the heart, release stress, and relieve pain in the chest. Practice this posture at a time when you feel too much pressure around you.

Natrajasana stretches your feet, calves, thighs, ankles, and abdomen while strengthening your back muscles. It enhances flexibility and also balances your body.

Final Thoughts On Yoga For Chest Pain Relief

Depending on what is causing your pain, these poses will help. These poses are suitable for the whole body, but they fix the problem by focusing on the source of stress or tightness in your body. 

It's essential to find relief from chest pressure due to stress and anxiety. This discomfort can be relieved with exercises like yoga for chest pain relief. 

It can be challenging to find a yoga class that deals with chest pain. So it is essential to be resourceful and creative. You can create a yoga routine that will help to relieve stress, anxiety, and chest pain. 

Yoga for chest pain relief isn't challenging to do because you can practise these poses at home.

 Yoga improves your cardiovascular health and decreases your risk of cardiovascular disease. However, yoga also helps to relieve stress and anxiety, which can lead to heart disease.

I hope this article has helped you understand the benefits of yoga and how it can help with your chest pain. 

All in all, if you have any thoughts to share about practising yoga to reduce chest pain, comment below, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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