Do You Have Sciatica Pain – Try These Yoga Poses

Do You Have Sciatica Pain – Try These Yoga Poses

The problem of sciatica is quite prevalent, and many people suffer from it without realizing it. The pain associated with sciatica can be excruciating and debilitating.  Understanding what causes it and how to prevent, soothe, and heal yourself can make a world of difference in both your life and the quality thereof. What is sciatica?…

How To Get Relief From Headaches With Yoga Poses

How To Get Relief From Headaches With Yoga Poses

It is estimated that more than 18 million people in America suffer from occasional or chronic headaches. The most common causes are stress, eyestrain, neck injury, and poor dental health. Fortunately for all those suffering out there looking for a natural way to control their pain without relying on prescription medication, performing some of the…

Yoga Poses For Period Cramps That Help With Menstruation Pain Relief

Yoga Poses For Period Cramps That Help With Menstruation Pain Relief

Experiencing pain during menstruation can cause you to seek a solution. Physical activity, such as walking or yoga, may feel like the last thing you want to do. But, yoga poses for period cramps are a thing!  Some Yoga poses for menstruation pain relief are so effective at relieving menstrual pain that they will probably…

Cross-legged Yoga Poses That Will Work Work Magic For You

Cross-legged Yoga Poses That Will Work Work Magic For You

In yoga, sometimes the simplest things are the most advantageous. Similarly, Cross-legged poses don’t seem to offer much in the way of challenge. Nevertheless, their relevance in a traditional Hatha Yoga practise cannot be undersold.  Cross-legged poses are not just about tucking the legs together and pressing the soles of the feet onto the mat….