Solar Plexus Yoga Poses

Amazing Solar Plexus Yoga Poses Every Person Should Know

The magical benefits of yoga are indescribable. It has a remedy for every issue provided you do it correctly. 

Sometimes you may feel low in life, you think you are under confident or cannot take a firm decision. It is basically when your Solar Plexus chakra is blocked.

We can call this chakra ‘Manipura chakra’- meaning ‘city of jewels’ whose colour is yellow, represented by a lotus flower. It lies from the navel to just below the ribs.

How do I strengthen my solar plexus?

The solar plexus is the third chakra that reflects your capacity to be self-assured and in charge of your life.  This chakra is responsible for morale and self-esteem and helps you feel in control of your life.

Balancing your solar plexus chakra is an excellent approach to not only acquire confidence but also to define how you present yourself in the world as a powerful, confident, yet modest individual.

But how do you do that? Well! Yoga can help you balance your solar plexus chakra, which we will tell you in this article. So stay with us till the end to know more:

These poses are great for your daily practice, as there is a high amount of energy in them, which increases your confidence level.

Chair Pose (Utkatasana)

Stand with your feet together or slightly apart, depending on what seems more comfortable for you. Sweep your arms forward and high as you inhale. Exhale and squat into a squat stance by bending your knees deeply. 

What is chair pose good for?
Pull your belly button to your spine to extend your spine and push your sit bones back. Feel your rib cage shift away from your pelvis as you tighten your waist.

Bring your knees back far enough so that you can see your toes when you look down. Lift all ten toes to ensure that your weight is primarily concentrated in your heels.

Zip your legs up, pushing them close against one another as if you were a mermaid. 

Draw your shoulder blades down your back, lowering your shoulders away from your ears. Take a step forward.

Take 3-5 deep breaths. 

Downward Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

Begin with your hands and knees, with your shoulders above your wrists and your hips precisely over your knees.

What are the benefits of Adho Mukha Svanasana?

Spread your fingers wide and press your hands firmly into the mat, forming a suction cup with the balls of your hands and the base of your palm.

Tuck your toes in and raise your hips up and back until your arms are straight. Bend your elbows slightly and bend your knees as much as is comfortable. Your heels do not have to make contact with the mat. 

Cinch your waist and feel your rib cage shift away from your pelvis as you reach your sit bones towards the sky. Pull your rib cage up and in so that your ribs aren't flaring out.

Pull your shoulder blades away from your ears and internally rotate your arms so that your biceps are facing back. Allow your neck to be weighty yet aligned with your spine. Look between your toes. 

Feel your sit bones reaching and spreading upwards. For your initial downward dog, hold for at least five breaths.

Warrior II Pose (Virabhadrasana II)

Step your right foot forward from downward dog to land between your hands. Drop your left heel parallel to the back of your mat, and align the heel of your right foot with the arch of your left. 

What are the benefits of the Warrior 2 pose?

Inhale and push hard into your right foot, windmilling your arms up and into a straight line, each arm extending in different directions to the front and rear of your mat.

Wiggle your hips to make sure they're equal. Roll your shoulders up to your ears, then back and down your spine. Engage your core muscles to maintain your spine straight.

With your arms in line with your shoulders, turn your head to stare directly out over your proper fingertips.

Bring your right knee in line with your right ankle just enough to view your big toe. Pull your thighs together for balance while pressing into both feet evenly. Hold for 3-5 breaths before repeating on the opposite side.

Reverse Plank Pose (Purvottanasana)

This position teaches you what it’s like to lift yourself physically and that you have what it takes! Ground into the tips of your fingers as well as the backs of your heels.

What are the benefits of Purvottanasana?
Engage the muscles on the posterior of your body — glutes, hamstrings, and spinal muscles – to lift your hips off the ground.

Hold the position for five to ten breaths, pulling your thighs closer together and your head away from your toes.

Bow pose (Dhanurasana)

Bow Pose increases both energy and blood flow to numerous organs. It aids in the flushing of the liver, which helps to release concerns and create confidence.

What is dhanurasana and its benefits?

Bow Pose also stimulates the kidneys and aids digestion, ensuring that everything works smoothly!

RAM (Manipura bija mantra)

Yoga provides us with sound and vibration to work with unbalanced energy in addition to bodily postures and breathing exercises. The Solar Plexus Chakra vibrates with the sound “RAM” (pronounced RA-UHM with a rolling “r”).

Chant this sound aloud while concentrating on your abdomen for maximum effect. If you’re in a public place, try softly reciting the mantra.

The Bottom Line

By getting in touch with our Solar Plexus chakra, we can begin to unravel the true meaning of a healthy lifestyle. When we release our judgments, exercise self-discipline, and focus on ourselves, it allows us to take care of ourselves properly. 

Bringing balance to your Solar Plexus Chakra’s fire element will allow you to shine with humble confidence.

It will help you recognize when your emotions are getting the best of you and, therefore, enable you to be more compassionate and free of judgment.

So go ahead and take a deep breath. Close your eyes. Meditate on your solar plexus chakra, feel its energy radiate throughout your body—breath in the warmth and simplicity of the fire element.

The next time you find yourself overwhelmed or anxious, simply chant “RAM” for a quick perspective shift!

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